
โ€œOne day I woke up, got messy, and found my voice and my power.โ€

I had a very happy childhood. I was very loved but never felt good in my skin. I played small, I got quiet, and I wanted everyone to like me at my own expense. I developed early and played dumb so boys thought I was cute and silly. This was around the time when my disordered eating began, along with my body image issues.

I got quiet.

I was assaulted and I let people take advantage of me. I continued to develop unhealthy habits.

I got quiet.

I suffered years of chronic illness, endometriosis, while doctors told me the pain was in my head.

I got quiet.

I lived my life for someone else, always walking on eggshells but thinking I could fix them.

I got quiet.

I finally left a toxic relationship with no money. I started to find my voice yet I still wanted to please others and be liked. I stayed in jobs that I did not enjoy and continued to hate my body.

I was numb. I got quieter.

Then one day I woke up, got messy, and found my voice and my power. I did the work and showed up for myself.

My experiences all brought me here. I will help guide you to find your voice and power with absolutely no judgement. I am enough, you are enough, and you are not alone.

It is time to get messy and find your voice. It is time for fierce inner growth.